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Problem with WampServer und Https: "Can't load modules/mod_ssl.so in server" (3 replies)


I have a problem with my Wampserver, to bring it running with https.
I make my own instruction, to make no errors, but is seems, that some errors are there :-/
Can you please take a look on it?

First download an install
Wamp64bit in folder C:\Wamp
OpenSSL light latest version in C:\OpenSSL
(Becuase the included OpenSSL Version is not working)

Create a folder named "one-two.at" in C:\Wamp\www

Create a file "index.php" in following folder: "C:\Wamp\www\one-two.at"

Fill the file "C:\Wamp\www\one-two.at\index.php" with following code:
echo 'Hello, this is the www.one-two.at homepage';

Start the Wamp Server and configure a normal http site

Restart the DNS

goto [www.one-two.at]

Normal access to homepage is given.

Now create a Certificate and key file.
cd \openssl\bin
openssl genrsa -aes256 -out private.key 2048
Enter as passphrase: 1234
Now remove the passphrase from key:
openssl rsa -in private.key -out private.key
Enter as passphrase: 1234
Keyfile ready created.

Now create the certificate:
openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha1 -key private.key -out certificate.crt -days 36500 -config C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.23\conf\openssl.cnf
Enter the informations.
OK. We have the certificate and keyfile.

Create folders "key" and "cert" at: "C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.23\conf"
Copy "certificate.crt" to "C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.23\conf\cert"
Copy "private.key" to "C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.23\conf\key"

Uncomment following statements in the file "C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.23\conf\httpd.conf":
LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so
Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
LoadModule socache_shmcb_module modules/mod_socache_shmcb.so

Uncomment following statements in the file "C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.6.25\php.ini":

Open following file : "C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.23\conf\extra\httpd-ssl.conf"

Search for following string : "<VirtualHost _default_:443>"
Change the following settings to there given values:
<VirtualHost _default_:443>
# General setup for the virtual host
DocumentRoot "C:/Wamp/www"
ServerName www.one-two.at:443
ServerAdmin info@one-two.at
ErrorLog "C:/wamp/bin/apache/apache2.4.23/logs/error.log"
TransferLog "C:/wamp/bin/apache/apache2.4.23/logs/access.log"

Search for following string : "<Directory "c:/Apache24/cgi-bin">"
Change the following settings to there given values:
<Directory "C:/Wamp/www">
SSLOptions +StdEnvVars

Search for following string : "CustomLog "c:/Apache24/logs/ssl_request.log" \"
Change the following settings to there given values:
CustomLog "C:/wamp/bin/apache/apache2.4.23/logs/ssl_request.log" \

Run the error check on the httpd file:
C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.23\bin\httpd -t

Now getting the given error PIC3.jpg.

If i restart the wampserver, the wampserver will get an orange state.
[www.one-two.at] is not reachable anymore.
Also [localhost] is not reachable

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